Gentoo penguin carries stones to his nest. Penguins breed in large colonies and form monogamous pairs for a breeding season, sharing incubation duties.
A penguin's webbed feet are set far back on the body, giving them an upright posture on land.
Penguins porpoising. This type of swimming allows penguins to breathe more regularly and therefore swim longer distances. It can also be used to confuse and disorient both predators and prey.
Gentoo penguins squabbling.
Gentoo penguins with chicks.
Rainbow in Antarctica.
Sunset in Antarctica, Neumayer Channel.
Our first landing, at Yankee Harbor. From the ship, 8 to 10 people would ride a Zodiac ashore to observe penguins.
Seals on ice.
Gentoo penguins and snowy sheathbill.
Seal swimming.
Wandering albatross in flight.
Leopard seal.
Sunshine in Antarctica.
Fur seal yawning.
Weddell seal.
Chinstrap penguins in foreground, gentoo penguin in background right.
Alan Oakley and Maria Copello.
With Alan Oakley and Grand Circle program director Maria Copello.
By visiting Antarctica, several people on the tour were able to say they'd been to all 7 continents. Including me.
EG at Port Lockroy, Antarctica.
Gentoo penguin at Port Lockroy, Antarctica.
Grand Circle program directors Christian, Maria, David and Laura.
Our ship, the Corinthian. It takes 48 hours to sail from Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, to the northern edge of the Antarctic Peninsula.
Zodiac returning to our ship, the Corinthian.
Humpback whale fluking.
Gentoo penguin colony.
Gentoo penguin with chicks.